Shadowlawn Lake Shore Corporation
Shadowlawn Lake Shore Corporation
Mooring Rules
These standards and policies were adopted in 2000, and revised at the 2015 Annual Meeting to address Jet Ski’s. The Harbor Master is a facilitator and good will ambassador only and has no authority
Part I – Mooring and Hardware Standards
Anchor needs to be standard at 1,200 # 1 – piece with steel loop for double shackle connection. SPECIAL NOTE: Larger boats may want or need two of these anchors.
Chain and Scope needs to be standard at 3/8” US made “Proof Coil” type, with steel shackles at a standard length [scope]. At current lake levels our anchorage is between 8’ and 15’ depth [this is quite shallow]. Scope changes as the boat size changes, but is defined as 4 minimum and 1 1/2 times depth maximum.
Buoy needs to be a 15 inch “chain through the buoy” type. Although the other styles are safe enough, they are more difficult to remove and re-install, which becomes a factor in the seasonal removal program. Many boaters like “pick up” buoys. These are OK [at the owner’s expense}. Since they are not part of the anchor system.
Bowlines need to be standardized as 8’ braided nylon, spliced with thimbles, and 2,000 # W11 stainless steel bow eye clips. There needs to be a Safety painter and they need to be coordinated in length. {This can be an emotional issue with mature boaters who have their own system. Acceptable alternatives can be approved by the Harbormaster).
SPECIAL NOTE regarding Bow Lines: There is raging debate about attaching them to the buoy or the boat. The Harbormaster recommends attaching the bowline to the boat [not the buoy], because there is no chance of it being lost when the buoys are removed and installed. If you prefer to attach to the buoy, it is important you understand you must remove it in the Fall. If it is lost, you must replace it with another “Mooring Standard” one. In 2002 they cost about $100.
Seasonal removal is required since the biggest source of anchor shifting is ice. Each Fall, the buoys need to be removed.
User Fee is set by the Mooring Committee and the budget approved by the Board of Directors. The fee pays for the labor to install – uninstall the buoys and replace the chain and buoys and painters as necessary.
Miscellaneous: The homeowner owns the anchor, chain, buoy and painters. However, its position in the anchorage [if any] is controlled by the Association.
Part 2 – Policies Regarding the Anchorage in General, Mooring Rules and Customs.
User Fee: Pays for install, uninstall, chain and buoy and bow line replacement. The Harbormaster will contract to have all this work done. In the event neighbors accomplish this work, the money stays in the “Harbormaster portion” of the bank account. This also includes periodic reshuffling of the anchors.
Mooring Grid: The Harbormaster lays out the moorings based on smaller boats closer to shore and larger boats further out and sail boats on the perimeter. The Mooring Grid Layout and overall number of positions is proposed by the Harbormaster and approved by the Board. Currently that number is 21.
Dates IN and OUT: The Harbormaster will establish the “boats must be out date.”
NYS Approved Anchorage: It is the Harbormaster’s / Treasurer’s job to renew the permits and stay in compliance with any NYS standards. Regardless of anything written here, no boater can violate any NYS standard not covered here.
Insurance: The Association has liability insurance, but it does not insure the homeowner’s boats. Every boater must provide their own boat insurance. Incidentally, do not assume it comes with your homeowner’s package automatically. Many are additional marine riders.
Disclaimer and Contract: Every effort has been made to design and provide boaters with safe and efficient mooring system. However, it is each boater’s responsibility to understand the hardware, use it correctly, and report any evidence of problems to the Harbormaster. Every boater must sign a copy of these pages as an agreement that they understand their boat and mooring is their responsibility.
Limit of Boats: We limit the length of boats to 15’ minimum to 25’ maximum. Small boats can be stored on the racks; larger boats must find a larger facility. Exceptions to this rule may be approved by the Harbormaster.
Jet Skis
Jet skis may be launched and pulled from water on the gravel beach on the East side of beach frontage.
Jet skis are for daily use only and may not be moored overnight.
Any jet ski trailer must be removed from the grounds immediately following jet ski launch.
Jet ski may be tied to the boat dock, in the most shallow water closest to the shore
The Harbor Master and Board of Directors will evaluate jet ski use at the end of each boating year considering factors such as:
Noise pollution;
Condition of the gravel beach
Condition of the lawn leading up to the gravel beach;
General deportment of those using the jet skis;
Aesthetics of the beach front in general.
The Board, at its discretion, based on recommendation from the Harbor Master, deny jet ski use to any Association member deemed not to be following these rules
Ownership: The anchors and hardware are owned by the homeowner. Currently their value is $375 plus approximately $100 for the Bow Line and Safety. This would be part of personal property, if a home were sold. However, if there is a waiting list, it is anticipated the next in line boater would buy the hardware from the new owner; then when it is the new guy’s turn, they would buy it back from the boater leaving, and so on. In the event a new mooring can be fit in, the new boater is responsible for moving all the effected neighbors.
Position: Position is determined by the Harbormaster. The Harbormaster also coordinates the exchange of money between mooring owners and next inline waiting list.
Waiting List: When our anchorage is full, newcomers are added to a waiting list on a first come, first served basis.
Part 3 – Conflict Resolution Regarding the Anchorage and Moorings.
The goal is to have as many homeowners as possible enjoy a mooring, while being fair to all. The boat must be registered in the name of the owner. Initially, the Harbormaster negotiates with the boaters. In the event of conflict, the Board makes a decision.
Policies that may apply:
The sale of your home does not include the position of your mooring.
If an owner sells, they may remove their mooring as their personal property. If they do not, the next person on the waiting list would pay the replacement cost to the previous to take over.
Moorings are available on a first come, first serve basis. When we are out of spaces, there will be a waiting list. Only one mooring per lot, if there is a waiting list.
It is possible to add additional moorings to the grid [due to changes in boat size, for example]; the new boater pays the cost of moving the neighboring anchors.
The more desirable positions are earned by seniority as a boater. However, size of the boat must be considered.
Trading positions between owners is OK, with approval from the Harbormaster.
A Mooring owner is allowed 1 year of non use. If they do not occupy the mooring by Memorial Day of the second year, they lose that position and move to the end of the waiting list.
Only boats, which are appropriate, may be moored. You may not moor a rowing dinghy as a placeholder.